The 7 best and most economical ways to renew your pasture naturally

The 7 best and most economical ways to renew your pasture naturally

Mainstream agricultural science tells us we need to renew our pasture to maintain full production of our pastoral systems. There are sophisticated calculators and plenty of new varieties that are supposed to make your pastures stronger, faster, better……….. 

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How Plant Extracts Helped Transform Our Farm

How Plant Extracts Helped Transform Our Farm

During our years at Chaos Springs we have continually experimented and used a variety of plant extracts for managing the soils in our pastoral, orchard and market garden systems.This direction was initiated when we first purchased our farm in 2001. At that time we knew little about New Zealand flora or pastoral systems as we had been market gardening in Utah for 20 years.We were so excited about the farm we had just purchased covered in beautiful yellow flowers we never thought they would be a problem.  A week later when Jenny’s father Dennis arrived for a farm tour, I thought he was going to break into tears.  We tried to reassure Dennis that getting rid of ragwort and gorse would not be that difficult organically………………………………

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Boost Your On-Farm Fertility With Compost and You'll Never Look Back

Boost Your On-Farm Fertility With Compost and You'll Never Look Back

Nurturing the soil biology is crucial is you want healthy soil that will support healthy plant growth, healthy animals and healthy people, and the absolute best way to get started with fueling your soil biology is with compost. 

Compost has been a basic component of agriculture for at least 4500 years, with the first recorded documents being the clay tablets of Akkadian in 2700 B.C.! I would call this a time tested practice, and who would want to argue with an Akkadian?

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