Cyclone Multi-Task
We have designed the brilliantly simple Cyclone Multi-Task Sprayers - by far the best machine on the market for mixing and delivering soil nutrition and improvement when and where it's needed.
The Cyclone Multi-Task allows you to:
Custom blend your fertilisers to suit your farm.
Combine compost, minerals and fertilisers in a liquid format for single application.
Easily get to places where space is limited, such as between orchard rows.
Apply soil nutrition at the right time and when it suits you, not when it suits the contractor.
Make it easy to get other jobs done around the farm (like trough cleaning and washing down equipment).
Buy and maintain just one reliable machine to help you do multiple tasks around the farm.
Choose from a range of models and options to suit your specific needs.
Check out these videos to see the Cyclone Multi-Task Sprayers in action
Models and Options
There are 5 different models of the Cyclone Multi-Task Sprayers to choose from, and a range of options within each of those models. Click on each image below to learn more about the different models.
Benefits of the Cyclone Multi-Task Sprayers
Mixing compost materials and fertilisers for liquid application
The Cyclone Multi-Task allows minerals, composts and other fertilisers to be easily combined for single application. Mixing fertilisers with compost or other carbon sources is known to increase their effectiveness.
Supporting biological life of liquid fertiliser
The Cyclone Multi-Task is the only spray unit on the market that provides the oxygenation necessary to support biological life. Our testing program has shown a minimum of 6% oxygen is maintained while mixing living fertilisers. This level is needed to keep organisms alive.
Totally practical
In creating the Cyclone Multi-Task we had to think really practically. Not only did we want to apply compost, minerals and fertilisers in a liquid format, we wanted to apply this liquid in places where space was limited. Places like our orchard meant boom type options weren’t going to work. The result - simple, practical, almost magic!
Complete soil and plant nutrition
The cyclone uses a vortexing aeration system created to keep soil organisms alive and mineral particles in suspension in the solution. It’s in liquid that compost, minerals and fertiliser provide the best food for soil and plants. Better yet, it also provides the easiest application method.
Features and specifications of the Cyclone Multi-Task Sprayers
The Cyclone Multi-Task Sprayers were first launched in 2011. They were originally designed to spray compost, but the applications have spread far and wide. We now have farmers doing many different combinations of fine particle minerals, all sorts of fertilisers and brewing a variety of biological inoculums.
Custom Designed Tanks
Our custom designed tank is where everything begins. The large opening makes adding materials easy. The specific curved bottom and outlet ensure that you get complete mixing of all materials and no settling of materials.
Cyclone Patented Mixing Technology
Our new custom designed Stainless Steel open vane pumps can handle any type of material with ease. A patented mixing design allows the blends to move through the pump and tank for intensive but importantly, gentle mixing. The large flood port creates powerful aeration in the mixtures, essential for creating your own biological fertilisers.
Adapting to changing needs
Along with the expanded uses have also come continuous changes as we adapt the machine to the steady stream of new practices. In 2016 we have made some significant changes, so here is what we have been up to:
The new cyclone all stainless steel pump by master pump builder warren ubel - technipumps
NEW PUMPS by TECHNIPUMP. These new custom designed high flow Technipumps by master pump builder Warren Ubell are built in cast iron or stainless steel. They were specifically designed for us to meet the demands of spraying abrasive fine particle minerals, fertilisers and corrosive materials like urea, fish, compost and lime. The high flow (1400 litres per minute) and moderate pressure (50 psi) give exceptional agitation and great delivery to our range of nozzles, delivering up to 17 meters of spray width with a single nozzle.
the simple clean connect system makes everything easier
SIMPLE CLEAN CONNECT SYSTEM. The Clean Connect System are simple stainless steel connectors that have replaced nearly all of our camlocks and have made the Cyclone Multi-Task simpler and stronger. They have also improved flow and reduced blockages. The Clean Connect consists of two flanged ends held together with a simple clamp. A thin rubber seal makes them leak proof and long lasting.
THE T-JET ACTUATOR SYSTEM gives simpler cleaner operations. These electric actuators run off a 12 volt battery. This allows you to run your sprayer from any 12 volt vehicle. We also offer a simple manual valve actuator that can be operated from the seat of your tractor.